Monday, September 27, 2010

My brother is a cop

A few (okay maybe several) weeks ago my parents, Steve, Maggie and I all headed to Salem to see my brother Vinnie graduate from the Police Academy. For the last year, almost, he has been serving with the Oreon Police. Twice a year the state has their mandated Policy Academy that everyone from all over the state must attend. He loved every second of it. If you know my family you know that all he wants to do is save the world. He has been a marine for over 15 years and now finally gets to live his dream of being a cop. There have been times he has complained about the idiots that he has chased down but I know he secretly loves every second of what he does. One added surprise was that he won the award for best overall performance in his class. We were so proud of him!! Here are a few pics from graduation day.

The proud parents with their son.

Vince's family plus me and Steve and Maggie.

Daddy and Maggie before the ceremony. She was so well behaved

Vince receiving his award for best overall performance!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Randomly I saw COPS in Portland the other day and thought of Vince. Congrats to him!