Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year we flew to Chicago to be with Steve's family for Thanksgiving. We have done this almost every year since we have been together (it is Steve's favorite holiday). This year was different because we were flying with Maggie for the first time. It was an uneventful adventure (at least the flying part). She was a great baby the whole way their. We even snapped a couple of pics! The way back is a story better left untold.
The trip was great. As usual it was a whirl-wind of activity. We drove all over seeing family and friends that had never seen Maggie aside from pictures. She got to meet her cousins and was a great baby. She saw a lot of Chicago from the back seat of the car.
Thanks so much to family and friends for making time for us. We had a great time.

Maggie's first plane ride
Maggie and Grandpa Sobieszczyk playing


Emily Adamson said...

You guys are brave, but it looks like you had a great time and I'm sure Steve's family really appreciated having you there! Great pictures - she's so stinking cute!

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

These are great! I love her face in the one with Grandpa Mark. She's like "whatev". So cute.

All these pix are great. As I've said before though, the picture of her in the carseat headed to Navy Pier is THE CUTEST PICTURE EVER. I seriously looked at it 10 times the day I got it.

Missy said...

She gets cuter every day! I love her little sweaters. Can't wait to get a snuggle at Christmas!