Monday, June 28, 2010

37 Weeks

Tomorrow marks week 37 of this pregnancy and there is almost nothing new to report. I saw our midwife on Thursday and was given the pleasure of having my cervix checked. She was happy to report that my cervix is still very long and very closed. She then went on to say that I would most likely deliver close to my due date, 7/20, if not after. I have until 8/10 to have this baby at which point they will induce. I am hoping that she doesn't hang in there that long but if she does it is for a reason and I will just have to live with it. As some of you probably realize this news of her predicted arrival came as quite a shock to Steve and me. I have been saying all along that she was going to be early. I knew in the core of my very being that I would not make it to my due date. So when I heard this I was a little disappointed. My first reaction was "crap, can I really wait that long?" But now that the idea has set in I am actually pretty stoked about it. For the past few weeks Steve and I have been running around trying to accomplish everything and now I feel like we can just take a deep breath and relax for a bit. I am even thinking of taking off for a romantic night away. And now that Steve has officially finished his first draft of his thesis I just might be able to swing it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maggie's Baby Pool

Step right up folks and take a guess. It will cost you nothing but may grant you first peek at our little Maggie. You already know the sex so just give your best guess at date of birth, height, and weight. I can't wait to see who wins.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Showers in June

If you live in the Northwest you may think this is a blog about the never-ending rain that we are dealing with but you would be mistaken. This is actually about a baby shower for me and our little one on the way. After days and days and days of steady rain the clouds parted for a brief 18 hours to allow the sun to shine down upon our intimate little gathering at the Child's home in Washougal. The shower was given by my oldest friend Melissa Child Cudworth and her mom Diane Child. Not only was the weather great but so was the food! Thanks so much to all who came to celebrate!

The food and beverage bar!


Me and Missy

Group photo

Just the 3, no wait, 6 of us. Two of my good friends, Rachel and Ellie, are also pregnant and were present at the shower.

My mom is a master quilter. This is the first of what I am sure will be many quilts that Maggie gets to cuddle in.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sasha Bear

This post is specifically for Emily Adamson. Emily and I have been acquainted/friends with for about 7 years now. She is a very cool gal that I got to hang with this weekend and we shared blogs. She informed me that my blog was seriously lacking pics of the pup so, Emily, here you go.

This pic was taken the day we brought her home. Notice how she made herself at home.

Good girl. This is one of my favorites because she looks so regal.

Steve and Sasha are the best cuddle buddies. She looks to him for affection and treats.

Last but not least. My little pony.